Our Brazilian Facial Lift delivers optimum, instant results using the latest technological advancements to provide tailored treatments for both men and women of all ages and skin types. Combining Ultrasonic cavitation, Quad polar radio frequency and Vacuum suction, this treatment will target stubborn areas of fat whilst providing powerful anti-ageing benefits and boosting lymphatic drainage.
The Brazilian Facial Lift is the most revolutionary treatment to hit the market, allowing you to remove unwanted fat from the face and chin, sculpt and contour the face whilst also targeting fine lines and wrinkles, pigmentation and improving your clients overall complexion. With extra radiofrequency included in each handpiece, the Brazilian Facial Lift is designed to provide on-going anti-ageing benefits.
With radio frequency facials hitting the beauty industry by storm and becoming a favourable treatment by many, it has been clinically proven to dramatically slow down the ageing process whilst helping to contour, tighten, sculpt and define facial features leaving customers feeling their best version of themselves.
The Brazilian Facial Lift is a non-surgical, non-invasive treatment with zero downtime and immediate results, why opt for surgery when you can achieve these results in a course of treatments with our astounding Medii Sculpt device.