In order to ensure that our learners get the very best practical training experience and opportunity to develop their competency, our hands-on training is all about getting actively involved in the learning process and provides opportunity for them to put learnt theoretical concepts in to practice and gain experience through working on clients.

This also develops their communication skills and confidence.

 T &C’s and Important information about being a model at BBL

  • All treatments carried out by our learners are done so under the clinical supervision of our experience tutors. We do, however, ask for you to be patient as they develop their skills and expertise.


  • As a fully operational training centre, we do try to accommodate everyone’s’ needs to the best of our ability, however, learners may run over with their treatments resulting in time delays; we do therefore ask you to bare this in mind and factor in in extra time


  • All models must have completed and submitted an initial consultation form before the day of treatment. Where patch testing is required, this must be conducted at least 48 hrs prior to a models first treatment. Please note that treatments cannot be booked if the above procedure is not followed.


  • All models are required to sign a disclaimer form prior to any treatments being performed. Should any problems occur from the treatment, BBL waivers any responsibility as all treatments are carried out by students and models give their consent and elect to undertake the procedures fully aware of any potential risks.


  • In line with health and safety guidelines and due to space restrictions, we do not permit children, pets and friends and family not receiving treatment themselves into the training rooms.


  • We appreciate that noise can be a distraction and so politely request that you give due consideration to noise.


  • We appreciate that unforeseen circumstances mat arise, which may prevent you from attending for your treatment, However, we do request that you give us __ notice if you need to cancel the appointment slot


  • We retain the right to refuse entry to any person we deem not suitable for the treatment procedure


  • As you will receive treatments free of charge, we may want to use your photography

– Over the age of 18

– Male/ Female?


  • Finally, we hope you enjoy your time with us and recommend us to your friends and family